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13 items
Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-13)
img Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-13)
Five siblings: Michi, Yuki, Min, Ches, and Kay Yasui.
Five Nisei siblings as children (ddr-densho-259-158)
img Five Nisei siblings as children (ddr-densho-259-158)
Kay, Tsuyoshi (Ches), Min (Minoru), Yuki, and Michi Yasui as children. Ches Yasui is carrying Michi Yasui as a baby.
Father and four children (ddr-densho-259-51)
img Father and four children (ddr-densho-259-51)
Kay, Min, Masuo, either Yuki or Michi, and Ches (Tsuyoshi) Yasui.
Three siblings in front of an apple tree (ddr-densho-259-9)
img Three siblings in front of an apple tree (ddr-densho-259-9)
Kay, Ches, and Yuki Yasui standing in front of an apple tree.
Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-22)
img Five siblings (ddr-densho-259-22)
The four older siblings in the Yasui family (Tsuyoshi [Ches], Minoru, Yuki, and Kay) with Michi Yasui as a baby.
Issei parents and four children (ddr-densho-259-52)
img Issei parents and four children (ddr-densho-259-52)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "This is [Shidzuyo and Masuo Yasui] with Kay, Ches [Tsuyoshi], Min[oru], and [either] Yuki [or] Michi."
Five Nisei siblings (ddr-densho-259-468)
img Five Nisei siblings (ddr-densho-259-468)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Kay, Ches [Tsuyoshi], Min[oru], Yuki and Michi [Yasui] at the Third Street home. There aren't many pictures of Yuki, since she died in 1922, just two months short of her fourth birthday. I think that she died of pneumonia, or maybe it was influenza."
Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-129)
img Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-129)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[A picture] showing the stair-stepping sizes of the early Yasui kids at home."
Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-32)
img Four Nisei children at home (ddr-densho-259-32)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[A picture] showing the stair-stepping sizes of the early Yasui kids at home."
img "Nikkei farm family scene" (ddr-densho-259-358)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A Nikkei farm family scene, taken at one of the early Yasui farms in Summit, which is slightly north and a little west of Odell, Oregon. The farm 'family' was mostly the young Masuo and Shidzuyo Yasuis Sitting back left is, I believe, Yoshizaemon Mori...I think that standing in the center is …
img "Nikkei farm family scene" (ddr-densho-259-133)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A Nikkei farm family scene, taken at one of the early Yasui farms in Summit, which is slightly north and a little west of Odell, Oregon. The farm 'family' was mostly the young Masuo and Shidzuyo Yasuis Sitting back left is, I believe, Yoshizaemon Mori...I think that standing in the center is …
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-179)
doc Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-179)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1979